Membership Registration

Please choose a membership type below

Single Adult

$135 for the season

Adult membership for 18 years and older. 7 Day advance booking privileges

Single Student

$95 for the season

Student membership for player attending school under the age of 23 with 7 day advanced booking privileges.

Single Youth

$65 for the season

Junior Membership for players under the age of 18.


$240 for the season

Family membership covers 2 adults and unlimited under 18’s from the same household. Up to 2 additional under 21’s from the same household can be added to a family membership at a reduced rate of $75 each.


$300/2 yr

One Adult membership for 2 years, includes 14 day advanced booking privileges.

Guest Passes


Members can purchase guest passes for the day.


If you would like to donate to the club to help fund the Fall 2024  & Spring 2025 reconstruction project, we would greatly appreciate it!